Our Natural Organic Fabrics Make a Difference

Choosing the right clothing for your little ones can make them much more comfortable and prevent unwanted irritation for delicate skin. At CastleWare Baby, we offer the most practical and comfortable organic playwear and sleepwear for your babies and toddlers. Our sleepwear is made with care using only the finest natural organic fabrics. This allows for the greatest freedom of movement and comfort for your babies and kids. CastleWare Baby offers a full lineup of fabric choices and product options to suit your preferences and your needs.

An Array of Natural Organic Fabrics for You

The fabric selection at CastleWare Baby is tailored specifically to suit the needs of growing babies and children. Some of our most popular fabric options include the following:

  • Velour is ideally suited to provide a warm and snuggly environment for sleeper bags and pajamas.
  • Our velour is knitted to be as soft and plush as possible. Our fleece fabric options are always cuddly and fuzzy. This makes them a great solution for sleepwear during all but the warmest part of the year.
  • Baby rib knit is lightweight and comfortable for summer wear or under any of our other fabric choices.

The organic cotton used to create our fabrics is grown primarily in the West Texas area and is created in the Carolinas. On occasion, CastleWare Baby does source some cotton from India to meet consumer demand. In all cases, however, our cotton is grown organically and hand-picked to ensure the highest standards of excellence. We take the greatest possible care with our fabrics to make sure that only the purest and healthiest materials touch your baby's skin 

Our Sleepwear Is Softer and Stronger

CastleWare Baby uses natural fabrics that are much better for your baby and more durable for you. Your infant may spend as long as 16 hours in his or her organic pajamas or sleeper bag. Making sure that these fabrics are as healthy and comfortable as possible is essential. Our natural fabrics feature the following benefits:

  • Made with care and pride in the USA
  • 100% organic cotton yarn certified by the Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)
  • Preshrunk to ensure the most accurate and comfortable fit
  • No pesticides, flame retardants or harsh chemicals that could irritate delicate baby skin

Hand-picked organic cotton produces a better product and eliminates the need for harsh chemical cleaners to remove seeds and oil that can contaminate cotton during mechanical harvesting. This increases the durability of CastleWare Baby sleepwear and ensures the very best value for you.

Our Fabrics Are Better for the Planet

Conventional methods of cultivating and harvesting cotton can be disastrous for the environment. The pesticides used in non-organic farming operations can seep into the water table and affect human and animal health. By contrast, organic farming methods are much friendlier to the environment and eliminate the one-third of a pound of chemicals and pesticides used to create just one cotton t-shirt through traditional methods. In choosing organic cotton, CastleWare Baby supports farmers that are making a difference! CastleWare Baby is proud to offer sleepwear created from natural organic fabrics and dyed using materials with a low impact on the environment. Whether you are looking for a natural velour footed sleeper for your toddler, a sleeper bag for your infant or the most comfortable sleepwear for any season of the year, CastleWare Baby is the right choice for you and your family!